Take the hands-on management away from your parking and vehicle permitting administration. Once you are set up on Motopas, the system is almost completely autonomous.
Our innovative software solution for parking management is designed to reduce or eliminate foot traffic. This platform allows residents to purchase vehicle passes online for beaches, refuse stations, parks, or any other need your municipality may have. With features such as mobile scanning enforcement our vehicle permit solution is a key asset in creating more efficient, organized, and user-centric experience.
Introducing a seamless, automated vehicle permit system
Motopas™ is a new service that streamlines vehicle permit/passes process. With one online form, taxpayers can have all of their stickers mailed to their house, saving your town time and money along the way.
By auto-validating applications against the Assessor Motor Vehicle file, Motopas is guaranteed to be fast and accurate.
Home Screen
This is the home page for Motopas™. From here you can create an account, log into an existing account, or view updates posted by the town.
On your account dashboard, you can apply for a new permit/pass or you can renew an existing permit. When renewing a permit, you don’t have to re-enter any new information.
Here, taxpayers can apply to get a permit/pass for their vehicle. Entries are automatically referenced with your Town’s Motor Vehicle file for approval. We can even check your Town’s tax file and deny taxpayers if they have not paid their taxes, including a link to pay online.