Save time and gain efficiency with out integrated deputy services.
Our deputy tax collection services streamline the revenue collection process by deploying a dedicated team of experts to efficiently manage tax payments and ensure compliance. With a focus on accuracy and timeliness our services relieve municipalities of administrative burdens allowing them to maximize collections.
Deputy Services Incentives
Point Software has been providing Deputy Services for over 24 years and in 2023 we are taking Integrated Deputy Services to a new level.
Here’s what this means to both existing and future Point Software Deputy Customers.
- QDS CORE Customers – excise bills will be printed, folded, stuffed and
mailed for FREE for any Point Deputy Customers.(A) - Point Deputy customers can use QDS’ on all bill types for
FREE allowing taxpayers to pay Excise bills and Deputy Fees online.(B) - Point Deputy Customers accrue 5% of net Deputy Fees which may be
applied towards QDS Excise bills postage. - Point Software will serve as the agency for Deputy Collections.
- Point will backstop the online payment option with telephone support
and offer the ability to clear a mark at the Registry.(C) - 100% of monies received are deposited into the municipalities bank
account. - Invoicing based on monthly reconciliation of collected Deputy Fees.
- 24/7 tax payer access to information.
- No paper documents or cash handling – an all-digital solution.
With QDS printing, mailing, and online payments options, combined with Point Deputy Services and 5% deputy credits, Point Deputy Services are the ideal choice.
Unlike other Deputies, we deposit the fees we collect into the municipalities bank account and invoice for our services on reconciliation. This provides an auditable record of monies received.
Hand tendering documents and/or exchanging paper, or worse tendering cash between parties has never been done by us.